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The English version of our glossary is currently under construction and will be regularly updated.


Protozoans are single-celled lifeforms and some of the simplest organisms on our planet. They live independently or as parasites.

Single-celled, eukaryotic and heterotrophic organisms belonging to the protists. Protozoans can reproduce through mitosis or sexually and are often equipped with special structures like flagella, cilia or pseudopods that help them move and feed. Protozoans can be found in a broad range of habitats, including bodies of water, soil, in the air, and in other organisms (as symbionts). Some species are parasitic and can cause illness in humans, plants and animals, e.g. malaria, which is caused by the single-celled parasite Plasmodium. Protozoans play an important part in the ecosystems where they are found – as predators, destruents, and as part of the plankton which form the basis of many aquatic food webs.
