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Digital Accessibility Statement

The team behind meereisportal.de endeavours to make the website as accessible as possible. The legal basis is provided by the Bremen Equality for Persons with Disabilities Act - Bremisches Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (BremBGG) and the German Directive on IT Accessibility - Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung (BITV 2.0).

This digital accessibility statement applies to the website meereisportal.de and was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment conducted by the SEA ICE PORTAL and an assessment by the external agency that developed the site.

Status of compliance with relevant requirements

Fundamentally speaking, the website meereisportal.de complies with the

The website meereisportal.de was programmed in keeping with the accessibility requirements mentioned above. From an editorial perspective as well, we endeavour to consistently meet the above-mentioned criteria for full accessibility.

Which sections do not offer full accessibility?

These sections do not offer full accessibility for the following reasons: 

Subsections not compliant with BITV 2.0 

Those subsections that do not (yet) offer full accessibility are:

  • Issue: For dubbed media, there is currently no alternative that makes all content accessible. Videos do not currently offer full accessibility, though they do include subtitles. This option is supported by our media player.

  • Measures: In future, all new videos are to include subtitles, and to be accompanied by a written transcript (which will also be archived).

  • Issue: Not all PDFs on the website offer full accessibility.

  • Measures: In future, when new PDFs are created, ensuring full accessibility will be borne in mind.

Disproportionate burden

Teilbereiche, die nicht barrierefrei gestaltet sind, da es eine unverhältnismäßige Belastung wäre (BremBGG § 13 (5))

Subsections that do not offer full accessibility because doing so would constitute a disproportionate burden (BremBGG § 13 (5)): Leichte Sprache (simplified German)

Scientific texts cannot always be converted into Leichte Sprache. Doing so requires specially trained translators, which the AWI does not have on hire. However, the German website will also be available in a Leichte Sprache version, which will reflect its contents / navigation / functions.

Date of Issue / Revision for this Digital Accessibility Statement

This statement was issued / revised on 17.01.2022.

The technical assessment of the site’s digital accessibility was conducted by
wilhelm innovative medien GmbH working in close collaboration with the corresponding members of the AWI staff:

Christoph Wagner
Telefon: +49 (471) 4831-1637
christoph.wagnerprotect me ?!awiprotect me ?!.de

Benny Bräuer
Telefon: +49 (471) 4831-1583
benny.braeuerprotect me ?!awiprotect me ?!.de

Want to report an accessibility issue? (feedback option)

Our goal is to constantly improve our services. If you have any questions on digital accessibility, or have found an accessibility issue, feel free to contact us: barrierefreiheitprotect me ?!awiprotect me ?!.de

Contact Bremen’s Central Office for IT Accessibility

If you were unable to contact the respective authority, you can also get in touch with Bremen’s Central Office for IT Accessibility. It also offers further implementation tips under “Statements on Accessibility” (Erklärungen zur Barrierefreiheit).