Klaus Grosfeld Renate Treffeisen Sina Löschke
ISBN: 978-3-9822680-2-6
One year, one floe – sea-ice research to the extreme
from the Central Arcti
73Focus temperature DriftStory 08
DriftStory 08
Miss Piggy is the name that the AWI’s atmospheric researchers
have given to this orange tethered balloon, which can rise
to heights of up to
35Focus ice thickness DriftStory 03
DriftStory 03
The thickness of the sea ice doesn’t just depend on how much
seawater freezes into ice in winter. Another critical factor is
how frequently th
95Focus ice DriftStory 10
How alike the two pictures are: as AWI sea-ice physicist Dr Thomas Krumpen flies over
the scattered remains of what was once the MOSAiC floe and many of its neighbouring
In spring, a variety of algal blooms colour the waters of the
Arctic Chukchi Sea. The inflow of cold, nutrient-rich water
from the Bering Sea provides the phytoplankton with idea
conditions f
65Focus snow DriftStory 07
DriftStory 07
On 30 June 2020, meltwater ponds nearly as long as the
research vessel Polarstern covered the MOSAiC ice floe – though
the snow began melting weeks
Spending an entire winter researching on an ice floe in the Arctic Ocean
was, until now, just a pipe dream for most sea-ice experts. It was always
assumed that such an expedition w
27Focus satellite observation DriftStory 02
DriftStory 02
Satellite observation is the only way to effectively monitor the
Arctic sea ice on a broad scale. Yet this approach still has its fair s
21Focus ice DriftStory 01
DriftStory 01
Whoever hopes to unlock the mysteries of the sea ice has to first
know its past. Accordingly, sea-ice physicist Thomas Krumpen started
looking for clues
4342 Focus iceDriftStories 01 DriftStory 04
DriftStory 04
Glittering clouds
below the ice
Generally speaking, it’s very easy to explain how Arctic sea ice becomes thicker. You
take an ocean, a
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