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The English version of our glossary is currently under construction and will be regularly updated.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Goal is “to achieve stabilization of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases at levels that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”.

The Convention was ratified on 9 May 1992 in New York and signed by more than 150 countries and the European Community at a global summit held in Rio de Janeiro the same year. Its ultimate goal is “to achieve stabilization of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases at levels that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”. The Convention includes commitments for all parties. Under the Convention, those countries listed in Annex I (all OECD countries and emerging economies) set themselves the goal of reducing those greenhouse gas emissions not covered by the Montreal Protocol to their 1990 level by 2000. The Convention entered into force in March 1994. See also Kyoto Protocol.
