The English version of our glossary is currently under construction and will be regularly updated.
- A(31)
- B(17)
- C(44)
- D(20)
- E(30)
- F(18)
- G(15)
- H(10)
- I(27)
- J
- K(4)
- L(9)
- M(16)
- N(6)
- O(13)
- P(36)
- Q
- R(14)
- S(45)
- T(23)
- U(5)
- V
- W(3)
- X
- Y(1)
- Z(1)
- 0(2)
Uncertainty is a means of expressing the extent to which a given value is uncertain (e.g. the future status of the climate system).
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
moreUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Goal is “to achieve stabilization of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases at levels that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”.
moreUpwelling region
Region in which currents of cold and dense seawater rise to the surface along continental coasts, driving warm water away from the coast in the process.
moreUrban heat islands
The relative heat of cities compared to surrounding rural areas.